Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Truth About Myself

I like to see myself as someone who knows her self.  I like to think that I'm good about taking personal inventory  and asking God to reveal my short-comings.  That I'm self-aware and self-analytic.

But the truth is that there will always be things about myself that I don't see.  So true courage means being able to ask others how they see you.  I haven't done this yet.  But I am becoming aware that my walls go up when someone states something they've observed in me which I disagree with.  My first reaction is to tell myself that they're just wrong.  They're seeing incorrectly.

But maybe, just maybe, they're able to see what I am not.  So, it doesn't hurt to get a second opinion.  Certainly it doesn't hurt to ask others if they are observing the same thing.  And always, I can ask God to reveal to me the truth about myself.

If I really want to be self-aware, I must be willing to see myself as others do.

1 comment:

  1. Only trust someone who speaks the truth (about you, or anything else) in love.
